Summer brings warmth, sunshine, and outdoor adventures for people and their pets. However, as a veterinarian, I want to emphasize the importance of hot weather safety tips to keep our furry friends healthy and happy.

From preventing heat-related illnesses to protecting against common seasonal hazards, I’ll share some tips and tricks for keeping your pet safe all summer long. 

Key Takeaways

  • Pets are sensitive to heat-related health issues

  • Awareness, prevention, and proper supervision are all key to a safe summer for your furry friend

  • Follow these steps to keep pets hydrated, cool, and comfortable 

Pet Heat Safety

As temperatures rise. Keep your pets' environment comfortable by ensuring good ventilation and airflow. Use fans or AC to keep indoor temperatures cool and provide a refreshing getaway from the heat.

When exercising them, pick cooler times of the day and watch for signs of fatigue, such as excessive panting or slowing down. Remember to provide frequent water breaks to keep them hydrated.

Breed Precautions

Be aware that brachycephalic breeds, including Bulldogs, Boxers, Japanese Chin, and Pekingese, are more susceptible to heat-related issues due to their short head and snout structure. These breeds have a harder time cooling themselves through panting than breeds with longer noses.


Hot weather poses significant risks to our pets and one of the most pressing concerns is heatstroke. Cats and dogs are especially susceptible to heatstroke due to their limited ability to cool themselves down.

When exposed to high temperatures, their bodies can quickly become overwhelmed, leading to heatstroke—a potentially life-threatening condition.

  • Heatstroke can result in organ damage, seizures, and even death if not addressed promptly.
  • Ensure they have access to shade and cool areas, creating a comfortable retreat from the scorching sun. Stay vigilant and recognize signs of heat stress like excessive panting, drooling, weakness, or vomiting.

If you notice any of these symptoms, seek immediate veterinary attention.

Heatstroke in pets severity meter infographic.

Hot Pavement Woes

Pavement can become scorchingly hot for your pet’s paws during hot, sunny days. Protect your pet’s paws by:

  • Avoiding hot surfaces and pavement that can burn their sensitive paws by testing the temperature with your hand before walking. 

  • Opting for early morning or evening outings when it's cooler

  • Walking on the grass when possible

An infographic displaying pavement temperatures compared to air temperature when walking your dog.

Sunburn Risks

Sunburns don’t just affect humans; our pets need to be protected, too! Common places for dogs and cats to get sunburnt are their ears, nose, eyelids, belly, and any other places with white/light hair or bald areas.

Pets that are most susceptible have white or ginger fur or thin or shaved fur where you can see their skin underneath. 

Some effective ways to prevent sunburns in your pet include:

  • Minimizing exposure during the hottest times of day (between 11:00 am and 3 pm)

  • Using a pet-safe sunscreen

  • Putting a UV-blocking t-shirt or onesie on your pet

The Importance of Pet Hydration

I cannot stress enough the importance of keeping your pet hydrated in hot weather. Follow these steps to increase your dog or cat’s water intake:

  • Provide fresh, cool water in both indoor and outdoor locations
  • Use a pet fountain or dispenser 
  • Offer ice chips (in moderation) or frozen pet treats 

How Much Water Should My Dog Drink in a Day?

How Much Water Should My Dog Drink in a Day?

How Much Water Should My Dog Drink in a Day?

Below, enter your pet’s weight to find out how much water your puppy or dog should be drinking each day, taking into account their weight and activity level.

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How Much Water Should My Dog Drink in a Day?

Based on your pet’s weight and energy level, your dog should be drinking approximately ounces of water per day

On hot days, expect your dog to need more water. Adult dogs will generally drink when thirsty, so make sure to provide lots of cool, fresh water for them. Puppies and senior dogs may need to be reminded to keep up with their water intake, so if you do not observe them drinking regularly, make sure to lead them to their water bowl and encourage them to drink.

The above calculator is meant to serve as a general guide for your pet. Every dog has their own unique needs, and therefore, we recommend that you speak to your veterinarian if you have concerns about your pet’s nutrition, including how much your dog should be drinking each day. 

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How Much Water Should My Cat Drink in a Day?

How Much Water Should My Cat Drink in a Day?

How Much Water Should My Cat Drink in a Day?

Use our hydration calculator for an estimate of how much water your cat should be drinking each day.

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How Much Water Should My Cat Drink in a Day?

Based on your pet’s weight and energy level, your cat should be drinking approximately ounces of water per day

On hot days, expect your cat to need more water. Adult cats will generally drink when thirsty, so make sure to provide lots of cool, fresh water for them. Kittens and senior cats may need to be reminded to keep up with their water intake, so if you do not observe them drinking regularly, make sure to lead them to their water bowl and encourage them to drink.

The above calculator is meant to serve as a general guide for your cat. Every pet has their own unique needs, and therefore, we recommend that you speak to your veterinarian if you have concerns about your pet’s nutrition, including how much your cat should be drinking each day.

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Car Safety

Never leave pets unattended: Avoid leaving your furry friends alone in parked cars, as temperatures can rapidly rise, leading to heatstroke and discomfort.

Be aware of how hot is too hot for your dog.

An infographic showing when car temperatures get too hot for pets.

Outdoor Pet Safety

Summer is a great time to get outside with your pet, travel, and socialize. We’ve got your pet covered with the following veterinary guidance, protections, and precautions. 


Ensure your pet's vaccinations are current, especially during the summer when they spend more time outdoors and interacting with other animals. 


Combat fleas, ticks, and heartworm-carrying mosquitoes by consulting your veterinarian for effective parasite prevention methods


Keep your pets away from lawns or gardens recently treated with chemicals or pesticides. Additionally, be mindful of toxic plants and flowers that can pose risks if ingested.

Keeping Pets Safe Around Water 

Follow these steps to ensure your pets safety around water.

  • Never leave your pets unattended near pools, lakes, or any other bodies of water 

  • Make sure your dog wears a life vest if enjoying a boat ride or taking a swim 

  • Rinse your dog after a swim to remove any chlorine or saltwater residues that could cause skin irritation or discomfort. 

Grooming and Coat Care

Regular cat and dog grooming is especially helpful during the summer months, as it helps keep their coat healthy and promotes effective heat regulation. 

Gently brush their fur to remove excess fur and prevent matting - this also helps them to regulate their body temperature in warm weather.

Fireworks and Anxiety

Pets may display signs of distress during fireworks and other noisy events. To alleviate their discomfort, create a quiet and secure space at home where they can find solace.

Close windows and curtains to reduce noise and flashes, and consider providing a cozy den-like area, such as a crate or covered bed. 

If you notice that your pet is experiencing significant anxiety, it's advisable to consult your veterinarian. They can provide guidance and explore potential solutions, including the use of medications such as Trazodone for pets.

Prescription Trazodone Dosage for Dogs

Prescription Trazodone Dosage for Dogs

Prescription Trazodone Dosage for Dogs

Trazodone is generally considered to be a safe medication for dogs when prescribed by a veterinarian. Trazodone may be prescribed for dogs before a situation that causes fear and anxiety, or when they need to remain sedated. These may include:

  • Fear of vet visits
  • Phobias
  • Compulsive behaviors
  • Aggression
  • Separation anxiety
  • Post-surgery recovery

Below, enter your dog’s weight for a suggested Trazodone dosage range in milligrams.

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Your Pet's Results

The suggested Trazodone dosage range for your dog is , taken by mouth.

While Trazodone is not FDA-approved for use in dogs, it is commonly prescribed for off-label use. Share the results of your dog’s dosage recommendation with your veterinarian and discuss whether Trazodone is a good choice for them.

The content of this quiz was medically reviewed by Dr. Lyndsey Kingsley. This quiz is not meant to take the place of a medical diagnosis from a veterinary doctor.

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Travel and Vacation Planning

Planning a trip with your pet this summer? Here are some reminders before you embark on a safe and enjoyable adventure.

  • ID your pet with a collar and updated ID tag. Microchipping is also recommended for added security.

  • Visit your veterinarian beforehand for vaccinations and a health check, applying for domestic health certificates for local travel or international health certificates for overseas travel, when necessary.

  • Research and book pet-friendly accommodations in advance, considering amenities and specific rules or restrictions.

  • Make your pet comfortable during the journey with a secure space, and more vet-approved tips for safe travel with pets!

Enjoying the Summer Season With Your Pet

Our pets rely on us to keep them safe, happy and comfortable in all kinds of weather. Remember, your BetterVet veterinarian is here to offer advice and support when it comes to protecting your pets' well-being.

Stay attentive, keep them hydrated, protect them from the hot sun, be aware of potential hazards, and it is sure to be your best summer yet!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long can a dog stay outside in the summer?

The length of time a dog can stay outside in the summer depends on factors like your individual dog’s needs, breed, and health. Consult with your vet to determine appropriate limits. Monitor your dog's behavior, provide shade and water, and watch for signs of overheating.

Will a wet towel cool my dog down?

Yes, a wet towel can help cool down your dog. You can place a damp towel over their body or drape it around their neck to relieve the heat.

How do I know if my dog is too hot?

You can tell if your dog is too hot by observing signs such as excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, bright red gums, vomiting, diarrhea, or collapsing. If you notice any of these signs, take immediate steps to cool them down and seek veterinary assistance if necessary.

Do dogs overheat easily?

Yes, when it comes to dogs and hot weather, our canine companions can overheat easily. Some dog breeds are more prone to heat-related issues. Provide shade, fresh water, and avoid excessive heat exposure or strenuous activities.