A kitten’s developmental journey takes place during their first 18 months. As a veterinarian, I enjoy watching a kitten grow and thrive over time.

In this guide, I’ll review a kitten’s most significant developmental stages, from mastering basic skills to testing their newfound independence.

Are you ready to explore kitten milestones and the exciting stages of your kitten’s first year (and beyond)? 

🔑 Key Takeaways

  • Kitten development is an exciting journey marked by rapid growth 
  • Kittens undergo significant physical and behavioral changes in their first 18 months
  • Understanding these stages can help you provide the proper care, nutrition, and socialization your kitten needs to thrive

Kittens enter the world in total dependence on their mothers for their every need. As kittens grow, they acquire more skills as their little bodies mature.

As kittens progress through each stage, they must meet certain milestones for growth, development, and socialization.

Let’s go over kitten milestones by week:

Neonatal Stage: 0 to 2 Weeks

Kittens are 100% reliant on their mother for nutrition and warmth during this stage. Their only form of communication is a high-pitched meow.

Characteristics of this early period also include:

Birth to 1 Week

  • Kittens are born deaf and blind
  • Their eyes and ears are closed
  • They are unable to regulate their body temperature

1 to 2 Weeks

  • Eyes begin to open – baby blue colored
  • Ears start to open, and they are learning to orient toward sound

Transitional Stage: 2 to 4 weeks 

Kittens at this stage are growing fast and learning lots of new skills! Below are typical milestones and behaviors. 

2 to 3 Weeks

  • A kitten’s eyes are fully open, and vision is getting better
  • The ear canals are open now, and hearing is improving 
  • Baby teeth start to emerge
  • Kittens start walking and exploring their surroundings 
  • Curious about cat toys
  • Coordination improving

3 to 4 Weeks

  • Kittens are starting to develop social skills by interacting with littermates and their mom
  • They are getting more comfortable with the litter box 
  • They are becoming confident explorers and developing more coordination 
  • They are getting much more responsive as their senses become more attuned
  • Kitten grooming skills are improving
  • The claws are now retractable

Transitional Stage Care Tips

  • Kittens still rely on their mother full-time
  • If no mother is present, then continue to bottle-feed 
  • 4-week-old kittens should be able to use the litter box 
  • Can Introduce kittens to toys during this stage

Socialization Stage: 4 to 12 weeks

Your kitten is coming into their own at this stage and is becoming more independent by the day. Here’s what to expect in the upcoming weeks. 

4 to 6 Weeks

  • Improved motor skills and coordination
  • Increased play behavior, which is crucial for social and physical development
  • Wrestling, pouncing, and defending themselves
  • Curious about surroundings and ready to explore!
  • Developing social skills with humans and other animals
  • Okay to introduce to solid food while still nursing 
  • Baby teeth will begin to reach their final stage of development around six weeks of age
  • Perfecting their grooming skills
  • Becoming experts in their litter box skills 

Care Tips

  • The weaning process can be started around five weeks old; by offering wet food in addition to mother milk (or bottle)
  • Allow access to water at all times
  • Offer access to a litter box at all times

6 to 8 Weeks

  • Adult eye color will start to emerge around seven weeks
  • Vision and hearing are fully developed
  • All baby teeth should be present by eight weeks
  • Sleep decreases, and playtime increases
  • Play is more sophisticated with chasing, pouncing, and wrestling
  • Learning from their mothers and littermates about hunting and social behaviors
  • Fully energetic and more independent 
  • The weaning process is typically completed around eight weeks

Care Tips

8 to 12 Weeks

  • Kittens are fully weaned by eight weeks
  • Their eyes will be completely transitioned to adult colors of green, yellow, brown, or blue
  • Watch for more energy and independence
  • Agility and coordination will be fully developed
  • Bonding with humans is crucial during this period

Care Tips 

  • Encourage access to canned & dry kitten food – especially when fully weaned
  • Leave dry food out at all times in addition to wet food 3 to 4 times per day
  • Continue vaccination series and deworming

Juvenile Stage 3 to 6 Months

During this phase, your kitten continues to master new skills and is developing physically in leaps and bounds. Here’s what you can expect in the Juvenile Stage:

3 to 4 Months

  • Your kitten is becoming demonstrably more independent 
  • Permanent teeth start to replace baby teeth

Care Tips

  • Continue vaccinations and regular wellness checkups
  • Increase the volume of food per meal as they grow

4 to 6 Months

  • Your kitten’s sexual maturity is approaching
  • They are now capable of full grooming
  • They are becoming physically adept and mature
  • You may notice increased energy levels and curiosity!

Care Tips

  • Spay or neuter at 6 months old
  • Ensure a safe environment for exploration
  • Litter box access at all times 
  • Continue feeding 3 times per day 

Adolescent Stage: 6 to 18 Months

Your kitten is officially a teenager or young adult now! While they’re not done yet, their growth is slowing down. Always lovable, your young cat may test the boundaries more at this stage.

Common milestones and behaviors for this period include:

6 to 9 Months

  • Sexual maturity is in full effect 
  • Territorial marking or increased aggression if not spayed or neutered
  • Your kitten’s full set of adult teeth is in!

9 to 12 months

  • Your young adult cat’s physical growth slows down
  • Their behavioral maturity continues to develop
  • Testing boundaries and acts of rebellion are common, such as scratching furniture or marking territory
  • Cat adolescence can continue until 18 months old 

Adolescent Stage Care Tips

  • Follow your veterinarian guidelines for neutering, future vaccinations, and checkups
  • Ensure access to a litter box at all times
  • Can decrease to twice daily feeding after 6 months old
  • Cats tend to mature and settle down after the 18-month mark! 


Watching a kitten grow from a helpless newborn to a confident, young adult cat can be a fun and rewarding experience.

By understanding the different developmental stages and milestones, you can provide your furry friend with the love, care, and stimulation they need to blossom into a happy and healthy cat.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the stages of kitten development?

Kitten development stages include Neonatal (0-2 weeks); Transitional (2-4 weeks); Socialization (4-12 weeks); Juvenile (3-6 months); and Adolescent (6-18 months).

When does a kitten's eye color develop?

A kitten’s eye color develops around 5-8 weeks of age.

When does a kitten's hearing develop?

A typically-developing kitten will start to respond to sounds as early as 1-2 weeks but their hearing will not be fully developed until at least 5-6 weeks old.