What should I do in case of an emergency?

If you're pet is in need of emergency help, please visit your local animal hospital.

Unfortunately BetterVet does not currently provide emergency veterinary services.

If your pet is experiencing any of the following symptoms, please contact your local pet urgent care hospital:

  • Collapsing

  • Trouble breathing

  • Physically traumatic incident

  • Pale/yellow gums

  • Vomiting or Diarrhea (>24 hours)

  • Severe bleeding

  • Cluster seizures

  • Inability to stand or bear weight

  • Toxin exposure

  • Lethargy or not eating (>2 days)

  • Difficulty giving birth

  • Snake bite

  • Extreme aggression

  • Male cat straining/not urinating

  • Foreign body ingestion

  • Cloudy/blue/disrupted eye surface

  • Cat is hiding

If you're pet isn't showing symptoms similar to the ones listed above, we offer in-home sick visit appointments.