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My Pet Center

Servicios Veterinarios a Domicilio en Glenview

Nuestro equipo brinda atención de alta calidad para tu mascota en la comodidad de tu hogar. Con nosotros, no tendrás que preocuparte por el estrés que puede causarles a tus mascotas los viajes al consultorio veterinario. Además, disfrutarás de la conveniencia de evitar largas esperas y la incomodidad de trasladarte. Descubre los servicios que ofrecemos en Glenview:

Service | Alergias y Dermatología

Alergias y Dermatología

Si notas que tu mascota presenta signos de alergias u otros padecimientos cutáneos, te ofreceremos diversas opciones de tratamiento para ayudarla.

Service | Análisis de Sangre

Análisis de Sangre

Durante una visita domiciliaria, podemos extraer una pequeña muestra de sangre de tu mascota para detectar enfermedades y dolencias comunes en etapas tempranas, lo que permite un tratamiento más efectivo y previene complicaciones graves en el futuro.

Service | Certificado de Viaje Doméstico

Certificado de Viaje Doméstico

Al planificar un viaje con tu mascota, te asistiremos para cumplir con los requisitos estatales necesarios, asegurando un viaje seguro y sin contratiempos.

Service | Eutanasia para Mascotas en el Hogar

Eutanasia para Mascotas en el Hogar

Ofrecemos servicios de eutanasia en el hogar para que tus mascotas pasen a una mejor vida en paz y rodeadas de amor, brindándoles una despedida tranquila y respetuosa en un entorno familiar y cómodo.

Service | Certificado de Viaje Internacional

Certificado de Viaje Internacional

Antes de viajar internacionalmente con tu mascota, te ayudaremos a cumplir con los requisitos del país de destino, evitando problemas en el aeropuerto y garantizando un viaje sin estrés.

Service | Microchipping


Proporciona a tu mascota la protección que se merece y asegura tu tranquilidad. Con el microchip, garantizamos una rápida reunificación en caso de pérdida.

Service | Ultrasonido Móvil

Ultrasonido Móvil

Nuestros veterinarios cuentan con los equipos necesarios para realizar imágenes de ultrasonido en la comodidad de tu hogar.

Service | Examen Neurológico

Examen Neurológico

Evaluamos los síntomas y el funcionamiento neurológico de tu mascota para detectar problemas de salud en etapas tempranas y brindar un tratamiento adecuado para mejorar su calidad de vida.

Service | Examen Ortopédico

Examen Ortopédico

Evaluaremos la salud ortopédica de tu mascota, detectando posibles lesiones o problemas articulares y recomendando medidas preventivas para mantener su movilidad y comodidad a largo plazo.

Service | Asesoramiento sobre Comportamiento

Asesoramiento sobre Comportamiento

Nuestros veterinarios están capacitados para responder preguntas e inquietudes generales sobre el comportamiento de tus mascotas y brindarte recomendaciones específicas.

Service | Planificación Nutricional

Planificación Nutricional

Consulte con nuestros veterinarios sobre las necesidades nutricionales y la salud a largo plazo de su mascota.

Service | Manejo del Dolor

Manejo del Dolor

Cuando tu mascota está sufriendo, estamos aquí para ayudar. Nuestro servicio de manejo del dolor ofrece alivio efectivo y compasivo, asegurando que tu mascota pueda disfrutar de una vida cómoda y sin dolor.

Service | Consultas para Cachorros y Gatitos

Consultas para Cachorros y Gatitos

Las visitas periódicas para cachorros y gatitos de nuestros veterinarios son esenciales para asegurar su correcto crecimiento y desarrollo.

Service | Consulta de Calidad de Vida y Cuidados Paliativos

Consulta de Calidad de Vida y Cuidados Paliativos

Nuestra planificación y cuidados paliativos permiten mantener cómodas y saludables a las mascotas ancianas y/o enfermas el mayor tiempo posible.

Service | Atención Domiciliaria para Mascotas Enfermas

Atención Domiciliaria para Mascotas Enfermas

Cuando tu mascota esté enferma, estaremos allí para cuidarla en tu hogar, evitando el estrés de las clínicas y brindándole un ambiente familiar para su recuperación.

Service | Vacunación


Mantén al día las vacunas y refuerzos esenciales de tu mascota como parte de su atención preventiva, protegiéndola de enfermedades graves y promoviendo su salud a largo plazo.

Service | Consulta Virtual

Consulta Virtual

Conecta con nuestros veterinarios por videollamada para obtener respuestas rápidas sobre la salud y comportamiento de tu mascota.

Service | Revisión de Salud Preventiva

Revisión de Salud Preventiva

Nos aseguraremos de que tu mascota esté en su mejor estado. Detectamos cualquier problema potencial antes de que se agrave, asegurando su bienestar a largo plazo.

Experiencias de Nuestros Clientes

Laura Merrick on Google
I recently had the pleasure of using BetterVet's in-house vet service, and I can't sing their praises enough! The entire experience was top-notch, starting with their exceptional timeliness. They understand that our time is valuable, and they made sure to adhere to the scheduled appointment with precision. What truly sets BetterVet apart is their unparalleled accommodation. My dog has some unique needs, and they went above and beyond to ensure that the visit was tailored to meet those specific requirements. The level of care and attention they provided was heartwarming. The staff at BetterVet are not just professionals; they are compassionate individuals who genuinely care about the well-being of your pets. Their ability to adjust and adapt to different situations speaks volumes about their commitment to providing the best possible service. Overall, my experience with BetterVet was nothing short of excellent. If you're looking for a vet service that combines expertise with a personal touch, look no further. I highly recommend BetterVet to all pet owners seeking timely, accommodating, and customized care for their beloved companions.
Julie Dunne on Google
SO happy I tried this service! Both of the vets that came for our first appointment - cat with UTI - were kind, friendly, professional, and took their time to both listen to my concerns and examine our cat. Way less stressful on the cat than loading him into the car, and the cost was about the same as going to the regular vet. WORTH IT. Highly recommend, and also this is so great for pet owners that might not be able to load their animal into the car and get them to and from the vet. This should be way more standard for first-intervention pet care.
Linda Liang on Google
OMG. "The BetterVet team" were a blessing! We thought our cat Jasper was going to leave us. He has anxiety attacks when you try to get him to the vet, and he was so sick we didn't know what to do. I found BetterVet on the internet and they couldn't have been any better. They were both very kind and gentle with Jasper, who can be feisty. The last vet couldn't even get blood work done, and they were able to get blood work, a urine sample, clip his toe nails and give him a shot for his UTI. That, most likely saved Jasper's life. We are so grateful for them. They were thorough, knowledgeable, kind and caring. They took their time to make sure they covered everything with Jasper. "Our BetterVet veterinarian" even called us on a Saturday and went through, in detail his recommendations for Jasper. A five star rating isn't high enough! On a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being high, I would give them a 10! Thank you both. "BetterVet team members", for your excellent care of our beloved pet, Jasper. Linda and Barry
Cory Osborne on Google
Simply the best veterinary service I’ve had in Chicago. I’m old school- grew up on James Herriott, surrounded by farm dogs, always had a local vet who doubled as a family friend. In recent years, I have come to lament the (inevitable) corporate takeover of the vet space. I don’t blame the vets in these cases- but all too often their hands are tied by company policy and red tape. My current best friend is in his 17th year, and feeling his old age. My wife and I were dreading the propspect of taking him to a vet’s office (Max hates clinics) and the stress/cost/emotional weight of discussing elder pet care scenarios. Then someone recommended BetterVet. In one word our experience was AWESOME. Setting up the appointment was easy, the service was prompt. "The BetterVet staff" were friendly, warm, knowledgable and compassionate. We found the prices to be very reasonable, and were able to come up with a great care plan to make sure our old buddy can enjoy his golden years in comfort and dignity. Would highly recommend…heck I AM highly recommending you check these folks out.
Lauren Faul on Google
My cat Rascal was having a bunch of issues; he wasn't eating well and having bowel trouble. I tried calling local vets to have him seen, but everyone had appointments out for at least a MONTH. I needed Rascal seen NOW. I am SO glad I found BetterVet and that they serviced Lake County. They were able to come in 3 days. Life saver! My cat also has severe car anxiety and it was so nice not to put him under more stress while he already didn't feel his best. "The BetterVet team" were great. They gave me such peace of mind. They were both personable and friendly and explained everything thoroughly. "Our BetterVet veterinarian" follow up call was great and she answered all my questions. I really appreciated the fact that they were cost conscious and didn't try to do unnecessary testing. All in all great experience and would use again!! Thank you!!

¿Por qué elegir BetterVet?

Nuestros veterinarios examinan a las mascotas en su lugar favorito: un cómodo sofá, una cama o incluso tu regazo. Trabajamos para mantener a las mascotas relajadas y felices en su casa.

¿Cómo reservar veterinario a domicilio con BetterVet?

Dirígete a nuestro sitio web o descarga nuestra aplicación móvil para reservar tu primer turno.

Cuando estés listo, simplemente reserva tu cita online. Ofrecemos horarios flexibles y disponibilidad para el día siguiente.

Desde servicios de chequeo general y vacunación hasta consultas sobre la calidad de vida, estamos preparados para cuidar de tu mascota en la comodidad de tu hogar.

Group 10215


BetterVet Chicago
Horas de Operación

Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday: Closed